What is CSI
Founded in 1948, Construction Specification Institute (CSI) is a national non-profit association of more than 8,000 experts in building construction and the materials used therein. We are dedicated to improving the communication of construction information through:
A diversified membership base of allied professionals involved in the creation and management of the built environment. Join us!
Continuous development and transformation of standards and formats.
Education and certification of professionals to improve project delivery processes.
Creation of practice tools to assist users throughout the facility life-cycle.
Our Mission
To advance building information management and education of project teams to improve facility performance.
Greenville Chapter - Our Story
The Greenville Chapter of the Construction Specification Institute has a history dating back to the 1960’s with a varied membership of Architects, Specifiers, Engineers and Product Representatives dedicated to improving the science of construction information.
Greenville’s mission has been focused on education and has employed a number of live and virtual events to meet the Continuing Education Requirements of our Professional member as well as provide networking opportunities for all our members and supporting organizations.
In addition to Continuing Education, CSI Greenville has provided support for the CSI National Certification Programs which include: Construction Document Technology (CDT), Certified Construction Contract Administration (CCCA), Certified Construction Specifier (CCS) and Certified Construction Product Representation (CCPR). These programs provide in depth information about construction documentation / administration and can greatly enhance an individual professional profile.